Kendall County Child Support Lawyer

Helping Those with Support Issues in Kendall County, Kane County, and DuPage County
The determination of child support is often necessary in the wake of divorce — ensuring the financial security of a child's households is critical to his or her well-being.
The goal of support payments is fairly straightforward: so that parents (both the residential and nonresidential parents) can share the burden of providing for the children. An obligation that is too high or stringent can be unfairly burdensome and can strangle the finances of a parent forced to pay for child support. One that is too low can have the same effect, leaving the residential parent with an unfair share of the financial burden.
Because of the importance of these issues, their complexity, and how many ways these variables may apply to your unique situation, a skilled and experienced attorney is all but an essential asset.
Kendall County Child Support Modification Attorney
I have been helping families come to ideal resolutions for child support for nearly a decade. I am ready to take my hands-on approach and familiarity with DuPage, Kane and Kendall counties courts to help you and your loved ones reach a best possible outcome if you are facing these issues.
New Illinois Child Support Guidelines in 2017
As of July 2017, the way child support is calculated in Illinois has changed. Instead of child support payments being based on a fixed percentage of the paying parent’s income, the court will employ an income-sharing method designed to best provide for the well-being of the child. Under the new law, the court will determine the amount of money necessary to provide for a child based on the parents’ combined income. This amount will be divided between the parents based on their individual net incomes as a percentage of the combined income, while also taking their respective amounts of parental responsibility and parenting time into account.
Above and beyond the child support payments determined by these calculations, other expenses may be added to create a more accurate picture, including:
- Health care costs
- Taxes
- Social Security contributions
Other expenses including 401(k)s and IRAs are not considered by the court.
To schedule a consultation to discuss child support with Aurora child support lawyer, Matthew M. Williams, call 630-409-8184 or e-mail the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.