Kendall County Contested Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Attorney Helping Clients in Naperville, Elgin, and Batavia
While collaborative divorce can decrease costs and emotions of the process, it is not right for every couple or family. Sometimes amicable and efficient resolution cannot be pursued for a variety of reasons. In these cases a contested divorce must be undertaken. When it must, it is important to understand and anticipate that there is going to be heavy litigation. While an expert attorney is always an indispensable asset when going through divorce, he or she becomes even more important in these cases. At every stage of a contested divorce it is important to see that your rights are protected and that the best interested of you and your loved ones are kept in mind.
I have litigated more than 1,000 cases, arriving at substantial success, and I am ready to help you do the same.
Aurora and Kendall County Divorce Lawyer
If you are undertaking a contested divorce, I am ready to bring more than a decade of experience to ideally undertake every stage of the process, including:
- Formal discovery
- Subpoenas
- Depositions
From initial consultation I am able to get a very good understanding of how a case can and will resolve in collaboration or litigation. If there is absolutely any option for collaboration and negotiation, I will try to move toward it. If not, we can move forward with litigation and I can do everything possible to aggressively advocate for your interests in court.
In either case, deliberate action is key, so I encourage you to get in touch.
To schedule a consultation to discuss a family law issue with Naperville divorce lawyer, Matthew M. Williams, call 630-409-8184 or e-mail the Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.