The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C.


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What Are the Different Types of Alimony In Illinois?

 Posted on March 01, 2023 in Spousal Support

Kane County spousal maintenance attorneyAlimony, which is referred to as spousal maintenance in Illinois, is financial support that may be granted to an ex-spouse who cannot fully provide for their own needs. If an ex-spouse makes a lower income, or in some cases no income at all (for example, a stay-at-home parent), they may be entitled to support from their former partner. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act details the criteria that may determine when alimony may be awarded. There are four different types of alimony that may be available in a divorce:

Temporary Alimony

Temporary alimony is financial support granted to one spouse while the couple’s divorce is pending. This support is intended to cover a spouse’s living expenses, and it is typically awarded in situations where the parties have decided to no longer live together during the divorce. Temporary alimony ends once the divorce is finalized, and if necessary it may be replaced by a more permanent form of spousal support..

Fixed-Term Alimony

Fixed-term alimony is granted to a spouse for a set duration. This is awarded typically when a person cannot currently financially support themselves, and it will give them time to become self-supporting. Fixed-term spousal support may be granted in circumstances such as:

  • If the party seeking alimony gave up a career due to having children or taking over homemaking responsibilities.

  • If the party seeking alimony gave up education or job opportunities and was reliant on the other party's income.

  • If the party seeking alimony needs further education to pursue employment that will allow them to maintain their standard of living.

Reviewable Alimony

Reviewable alimony is granted when a party may need time to become self-supporting. After a specified amount of time, the court will review the parties’ circumstances to determine whether support should continue. If the party who receives alimony has made good efforts to become self-supporting but is not able to fully meet their own needs, then they may continue receiving support. Alternately, the court may choose to modify or terminate maintenance.

Permanent Alimony

Permanent alimony is financial support that is granted to a party for an indefinite period, and it will usually last for the rest of the recipient’s lifetime or until the death of the other spouse. Under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act, permanent alimony may be granted in situations where a couple was married for 20 years or longer before initiating the divorce process.

Contact a Kane Spousal Maintenance Lawyer

At the The Law Office of Matthew M. Williams, P.C., we understand how difficult divorce can be on people, especially for those who are worried about meeting their financial needs. We will help make sure you get what you deserve, allowing you to end your marriage feeling secure about what your future has in store. Contact an Aurora spousal support attorney at 630-409-8184 and set up an initial consultation today.


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